Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bike Tour Under Way

So we have ridden our bikes from Queestown to Franz Josef with a side trip out to Gillespies Beach.  We have had 7 days of riding with 4 days of rain, with more on the forecast.  It is an awesome way to see the country but is a really gnarly workout and I never knew that sitting on a bike seat could be more painful.  With that said so far it has been pretty sweet!  Especially wearing our sweet spandex.  We are rocking the bib shorts hard!!  We have a month to ride up the whole west coast which really isn't that far so we only have to ride 50 to 80 km per day and we don't even need to ride every day.  So we can take our time and stop a lot which is really nice.  Still we have to eat a ridiculous amount of food which is actually kind of annoying because I am constantly hungry and run out of food very quickly.  The past several days I have been living off of peanut butter and nutella.  Very nutritious!  thank god we just made it to a town and a grocery store!
Right now my mission is to go river rafting and not pay which I am very close to being successful at.  But not yet, not yet.  Very soon though.

Also if you haven't yet check out Brice's Blog because his tends to be more detailed and have more pictures.  Basically his tends to be better.  There is a link on the left side of my blog.  Yes

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